MIAC Market Monitor

MIAC’s Market Monitor allows market participants to view real-time prices with actionable information. Gain a clear information advantage against your counterparty.

Price Transparency in
the TBA Market

MIAC Market Monitor provides accurate price discovery in the TBA market – helping originators and investors understand market trends and achieve better trading executions.

Market Monitor Price Discovery

  • Actual Cleared Prices, Trade Size, and TRACE trade Timestamps
  • Know the market levels, not guessing with wide Bid/Ask spreads
  • Primary Dealer transactions and Real Volume information
  • Total Transparency on Coupon/Settlement month transactions

Unlock Precision in TBA Market Pricing

MMM is useful for both AOT trades and Correspondent Bulk bids, providing a versatile solution for various trading needs. Gain insights into market liquidity for each Coupon and Settlement Month, enabling a comprehensive understanding of market dynamics.

TBA Pricing Comparison

Be informed of where your Coupon/Settlement month is likely to trade at from neighboring TRACE prices

MMM Indications are derived from TRACE Trade Level plus Drops and Intracoupon Spreads, and includes transparency on how each MMM is derived from an underlying TRACE trade. All Intracoupon Spreads and Drops are derived from an IOSCO compliant fixing rule book.

Experience Accurate TBA Price Discovery

Unlock the power of accurate price discovery in the TBA market with MIAC Market Monitor. Sign up for your 30-day free trial today!