Whole Loan MSR Valuations Software

Market Risk

With over 35 years of innovation, comes the ability to provide advanced pipeline hedging and risk management solutions. MIAC has the analytics and the experience to help guide our clients through market volatility, investor, regulatory, and accounting developments affecting the mortgage industry.


Secondary Market Risk

MarketShield is the hub of MIAC’s pipeline hedging and risk management software suite – making optimized mortgage pipeline hedging solutions easy, fully integrated, and effective.


Trading Solution


Trading Solution

Pool Optimization


Rate Sheet


Web Trading Tools

Our trade management platform is designed to meet the unique needs of mortgage bankers and risk managers.

Pipeline Hedge Advisory Services

The combination of proprietary, state-of-the-art technology and extensive practical experience has led us to achieve success for originators that trust us to monitor, measure, and mitigate risk, while stabilizing earnings and improving operational efficiency.

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