Whole Loan MSR Valuations Software


MIAC Analytics™ provides a sophisticated and market accepted mortgage pricing and risk management custom software suite.


Risk Management

Vision™ combines the sophisticated valuation technology of MIAC Analytics™ with newly advanced behavior modeling and stress testing to effectively measure risk.

WinOAS™ is the industry-leading residential, commercial, and reverse mortgage servicing rights valuation model.

VAST™ evaluates the price performance of the MSR, Whole Loan, and associated hedge instruments, both prospectively and through retrospective analysis.

CECL provides a reliable, automated process for determining your expected losses and satisfying GAAP/regulatory requirements.

CORE™ precisely forecasts the frequency, timing, and severity of loan loss behavior in response to changes in macroeconomic factors.

Asset Liability Management Services

The combination of proprietary, state-of-the-art technology plus extensive practical experience has led us to achieve success for originations that trust us to monitor, measure, and mitigate risk, while stabilizing earning and improving operational efficiency.

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