CECL Solutions
MIAC’s CECL software solutions provides your financial institution with an automated process for determining your expected losses and satisfying GAAP/regulatory requirements. MIAC’s modeled estimates of future credit losses and forecasts are relied upon throughout our industry, the accounting profession, and across multiple government agencies.
Transitioning to CECL
MIAC employs industry standards for model development and CECL, which have been chosen by leading participants including lenders, banks, accountants, and regulatory bodies. CECL outcomes are projected using macro factor forecast scenarios and MIAC’s family of behavioral models. MIAC’s powerful analytical tools perform CECL forecasting of the loss allowance for all types of financial assets, segmented into cohorts with similar attributes. Our CECL tools can also be used for ALM and DFAST/CCAR.
Modeling for Expected Losses
MIAC has been modeling expected credit losses for loan valuations since our formation. MIAC can model all loan types and has supporting databases. Our toolkit of CECL software solutions can be used to deploy regulator-approved CECL modeling solutions.
These alternatives encompass both cash flow-based and non cash flow-based regulator-sanctioned methodologies.
Portfolio-Specific Models
MIAC’s behavioral modeling team can create custom models tailored to your specific portfolios and local circumstances.
MIAC can implement regulator-sanctioned tools and provide documentation on:
Macro factor scenarios creation
Model validation
CECL Methods Comparison
MIAC’s tools allow for the setup and comparison of different CECL methods.
The models menu allows you to select a modeling method, populate the required data either by a paste-in, manually, or extracted from loaded data.
All models have similar primary displays for simplicity
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