Bid Date: 08/3/2018    2:00 PM EST

Mortgage Industry Advisory Corporation (MIAC), as the exclusive representative for the Seller, is pleased to offer for your review and consideration a $327.30 million Ginnie Mae, Fannie Mae, and Freddie Mac mortgage servicing portfolio. The portfolio is being offered by a mortgage company that originates loans with a California concentration. The Seller will be providing full representations and warranties for the loans included in this offering.

Key portfolio characteristics include:
  • $277,139 Average Loan Size
  • 97.97% Fixed Rate and 2.03% ARM
  • 46.49% FHLMC Gold
  • 42.08% FNMA A/A
  • 11.43% GNMA II
  • Weighted average interest rate of 4.814%
  • Weighted average delinquency rate of 0.59%
  • Weighted average loan Age of 2 months
  • Weighted average FICO of 725
  • 100% Retail

Percentages above are represented as % of loan count

Interested parties should contact their MIAC representative at (212) 233-1250 with any questions on the portfolio sale.


Dan Thomas, Managing Director, Client Solutions Group (212) 233-1250 x240

Steve Harris, Managing Director, MIAC Capital Markets (212) 233-1250 x212

Mike Carnes, Managing Director, Capital Markets Group (212) 233-1250 x327

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